MIS 111 - Introduction to computig

Management Information Systems 111
Introduction to Computing
Chris Ballam Section 004
Fall 2001

Assignment 2

Due in class Thursday, September 6, 2001

Using a Web Browser and Internet Search Engines

This assignment will provide experience in using Internet search engines as well as reinforce the basics of using a web browser. (You may use any browser you are comfortable with). You will be required to search for specific items and print the associated pages. There will be a total of at least two (3) pages that need to be printed out.

Search Engines








Part 1

Using any search engine, find the following information on the web. When you find what you're looking for, print the page with the relevant information. In order to save paper, print only one page for each item you find. In the interest of conserving expensive color ink, feel free to print in 'draft' mode using black ink only.

1. Find and print a picture of an Airbus Industrie A319 airliner.

1a. CHALLENGE: How much does an Airbus A319 cost?

2. How many different flavors of Jelly Belly jelly beans are there?

3. Find a website where you can print a map. When you find one, type in an address of your choice and print a map of that location. The map should be small enough to fit on one page (it may even be smaller than half of a page).


Part 2

On each of the three pages, circle or highlight the information you were supposed to find. Then write (anywhere on the page) what search engine you used to find it and what search 'string' (i.e. "Jelly Belly") you used.


Part 3

Staple the pages together (and make sure your name and student number is on at least one of them!).

Important Note

When printing out the assignment, be sure that the URL/website address is printed on each page (This is the default setting, so it should already be there)

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