MIS 111 - Introduction to computing

Management Information Systems 111
Introduction to Computing
Chris Ballam Section 004
Fall 2001

Assignment 7

Due Tuesday, November 20, 2001

Designing Your Own Web Site

This assignment will teach you how to build your own website. You should use your HTML book as a guide, and you may need to refer to the handouts you received in class in order to complete the required steps and to include each of the required elements (listed below). Together, these resources contain everything you need to complete all requirements.

In order to complete this assignment, you MUST have a University of Arizona account (u.arizona.edu). This is where your website will be stored.

Please have fun with this assignment. Be creative and build an interesting website! After the due date, the class will vote on the best websites.

Step 1 - The Required Elements

Your website must consist of THREE separate web pages (.html files). You will need an introductory page (called index.html) as well as two others whose names you will choose.

Your website must include at least one instance of each of the following ten elements:

    1. A bold heading using the <H1> tag
    2. Centered text using the <CENTER> tag
    3. A horizontal rule using the <HR> tag
    4. A background IMAGE on at least one of the pages
    5. An image, taken from any source you choose
    6. A WORKING external link to the MIS111 class web page
    7. A WORKING link on each of your three pages to the other two pages
    8. A WORKING email link, setup to send mail to your email account, using the �mailto� command
    9. A WORKING link, either external or internal to one of your three pages, embedded in an IMAGE
    10. Standard text in a nonstandard color
    11. Include a bulleted or numbered list on your homepage (index.html)

HINT: Your HTML guide provides information on all of the above requirements. If you�re having problems, or if you just want to find more information about HTML (including a little help on the extra credit question), visit the following link:

Step 2 - Submission Guidelines

  1. BEFORE CLASS STARTS ON NOVEMBER 20TH, send an email with your name and �assignment 7� in the subject line (e.g. Chris Ballam Assignment 7) to the following address:[email protected]
  2. In the body of the message, include the entire URL for your web page. It should look like this:
  3. http://www.u.arizona.edu/~yourusername

  4. From your browser, print a copy of each of your three webpages (please be sure that each of the required elements show up on your printouts). Staple these pages together and turn them in during class on April 17th. You may use your printer�s �economy� mode to print in black and white. Color is not necessary.
  5. Open each of your HTML (source) pages in Notepad and print a copy of each. There should be three printed pages of HTML, one for each of your three webpages.

I must receive your email notice and your printouts by November 20, 2001 at the beginning of class for you to get full credit on this assignment.

And remember, have fun with this assignment! Seriously.

This assignment is to be worked on individually.

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